Kourtney Borman is a seasoned professional writer who has been crafting compelling narratives for nearly a decade. Born and raised in Texas, Kourtney continues to reside in the great Lone Star State with her husband and two children. She draws inspiration from her family and from a life spent learning from others. She specializes in exploring and articulating leadership concepts using her experience as a line-level employee in several restaurants and marketing agencies, and she is passionate about personal growth and dedicated to continuous self-improvement. Kourtney’s work reflects her commitment to uncovering the nuances of effective leadership and sharing her newfound insights to empower others.
How Technology Can Help Improve Guest Experience
Most people serving in hospitality are fearful that technology will ultimately replace the human aspect of their work. In this post, we discuss how technology can be leveraged to allow more of the human service element.
Foundation for Success: Elevating Housekeeping in Hospitality
First impressions are everything in hospitality, especially in Accommodations. Any guest who enters their hotel room will form their first opinion within moments, and it is hard to shake that opinion—good or bad. That is where housekeeping, the original Quality Team, comes in.
Soft Skills in Hospitality
Soft skills have become the key factor that sets hospitality professionals apart. These human-focused abilities are now defining how professionals connect with guests, solve problems, and create experiences that leave lasting impressions.